Time for a Reset

Time for a Reset
For me, the 14 day reset isn't about following every metric exactly, it's about having that excuse/ reason for change. 

A dear friend I met through YL talks heavily about the concept of good/ better/ best. And those things are different for every person. 

The reset is that for me. In January I got my NingXia in, worked heavily on my water intake, made a few diet changes, and exercised a couple times. Not great, but I lost 2 lbs and felt better. 

This time, I was very strict about my meal plan, hit my water goal almost daily, got my NingXia in, and didn't do well exercising the first week, but last week I turned a new leaf and started a strength training program. 

Today marks the end of the February reset and in the last 14 days I lost 4 lbs (first 2 I had to re lose that I had gained back), and lost 2 inches from my waist! 

I plan to maintain the gym 4x a week, water, and might loosen my meal plan a bit, but by in large plan to keep that pretty close. I'm hoping to keep my gains and build on it next month! 

What I love about this concept is that you are just taking 2 weeks to focus on your health. You can do it for 2 weeks! And if you hate it or need to change things, you're doing what is best for you and can make the changes you need! 

Everything is more fun with friends! Who wants to join me on March 11???!!! You can't beat the price of the 14 day reset kit and it might be just what your body needs!!

Check it out!!

Let me know if you want to jump in with me!!
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The Reset Button

The Reset Button
Sometimes a reset button would be so nice to have. 

That's not always a reality, but then sometimes we undervalue the pause and pivot method which may not change the past, but it sure impacts what follows. 

We know that our bodies regenerate our cells constantly and that we can turn aspects of our health off and on, which means a pause/pivot method really can initiate a reset for our health. You are in far more control of your body than you think you are! 

I'll turn 40 this year and my age is beginning to show. Even though health and wellness have been very important to me over the years, which is how I found Young Living to begin with, I also have not made my health a priority in the last couple of years. As I approach the big 4 0 this year, I have determined that now is the time. This is the month! 

I'm starting a change and that time is right. now. 

Some amazing friends of mine have been doing a 14-day health reset every month for a year and there's a growing movement of folks who are joining in! I am jumping in this month and invite you to do the same!! Today is the day to reset your health journey! 

There are four really simple rules and you already have the tools you need for this, other than you may need some additional NingXia Red to make it through! 

Here are the details: 
Starting on January 15th, for 14 days total, you do these four things: 
1. 30 minutes of movement - the Facebook group has suggestions, but you can also do your own thing!
2. Choose a diet plan - I'll attach the 6 suggested options, but you can also do your own thing! (See how easy this is!) 
3. Drink Ningxia Red! The challenge is 12 oz of NR each of the first 3 days, and then 6 oz a day for the remaining 11 days. You'll need 102 oz total to get the full benefit! 
4. Drink half your body weight in water! 

It's that simple! Now, some of those things aren't going to be easy. I'll admit to you with my head hung low that I have never prioritized exercise in my adult life and I sure do have a pile of great excuses! But I'm going to choose my hard. I can do anything for 14 days and I can sure move my body for 30 minutes a day for 14 days! 

There's a Facebook group to join to participate in the fun daily posts, but honestly, if you've sworn off Facebook then do the challenge anyway! You can find the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1403826183701814

I know that some of your team leaders like Melissa Edens (and her husband Jeff!) and Heidi Stone are jumping into this challenge as well!! It's so fun to see friends in it! 

I'll sweeten this too! Anyone of my team who completes this challenge - if you reply to this email by January 31st, you will receive a bottle of Young Living Vitality drops from me! 
These delicious drops are an amazing electrolyte boost to enhance your water. They're so refreshing! 

Last thing - grab a friend to do it with you! If they aren't a member already, get them your referral number and they can order a NingXia Red Starter Kit so they can reset their health too! Everybody wins here!!

It's time for a reset on my life and I'm starting here. I hope you join me!

Here's to the reset button! Katrina Stidd

PS. Young Living JUST LAUNCHED a brand new bundle designed just for this challenge and it's $129! The best price to get Ningxia!!
Throw that kit into your Loyalty Rewards if you haven't processed it yet, be sure to upgrade your shipping because this reset begins in just one week, and tell your friends!! If they've never ordered from Young Living before, they can use YOU as a referral and your member code will save them whopping 20% off during the month of January!! Go to youngliving.com and order today!!

PPS. I'm so excited!!! 

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Young Living Black Friday Sales are here!

Young Living Black Friday Sales are here!
Young Living launched Black Friday sales yesterday morning and they are absolutely amazing!! 

Our favorite products are 25-50% off!! 

But here's the best part - we're 24 hours in and only 2 items have gone out of stock which means YOU STILL HAVE TIME to take advantage of these amazing prices!!! 

This is the best time of the whole year to restock your favorites or try something new - at these prices, you can't afford not to! 

Log in now and take advantage of these sales! Then comment in the Facebook group or send me an email to tell me you did and I'll draw a prize winner every night this week!! 

Happy shopping! :D 

Katrina Stidd

Don't miss out on up to 50% off sales!! Let me know if I can provide any assistance to you today! 
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Christmas in July!

Christmas in July!
Our team is celebrating Christmas in July!!

I want all of you to get some of the amazing new products released at convention, so I'm going to give a surprise gift from my stash to EACH PERSON who orders at least 50pv of new convention products!!

Here's what you have to do to receive your gift! 
1. Place an order of at least 50pv of newly released convention products!
2. Complete this form so I know you did! https://forms.gle/uwVS2LXqVLRiYmD1A

Isn't that simple?? The new products have me all 😍 and there aren't even WORDS to describe the excitement of them bringing back the original Valor!!! 

Go to YoungLiving.com, press shop, and select Convention Arrivals! 

Remember to order at least 50pv from anything in that list, and don't forget to come back here to complete the form!! 

Merry Christmas in July!

Derin and Katrina Stidd
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Products That Have Our Loyalty: Digize

Products That Have Our Loyalty: Digize
There's so much I could say about keeping tummies happy and all things digestion with this oil, but today's highlight is actually a bit different! 

I am the world's worst AirBnb chooser! We stayed in 2 last week while traveling..
 The first reeked of pot and the second one was almost as bad of cigarette smoke, masked with a plugged in air freshener in every plug AND 10 car air fresheners stuck in every vent. 😳 

Let me tell you my trick... If you ever need to get the scent of pot or cigarette smoke out of your clothes, after 3 rounds in the washer, this was the magic combination! 

I used two caps of THHC with 5 drops of Digize mixed in. Clean smelling clothes for the win!

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