Wishlist Wednesday!!

Wishlist Wednesday!!
Did you know the Virtual Office now has a WISH LIST function?!!?!? This is amazing!!! 

After you log in, click on My Account, and then click on Wishlists. Click on New WishList+ and give it a name! 
I made one based on my post on Monday for my fall favorites - Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Chest Rub, and then a NingXia bundle, then you can press Share and it'll generate a link you can share with your friends! When they go to open the link it'll give the option to add the individual items to a cart or to add ALL items to the cart! 

If you don't want to share this goodness with your friends, then you can create a wish list of items you don't want to forget about, but need to give it a month or two to budget in, or maybe it's a high PV item and you are putting it on your wish list as a goal! Make it your own!!

Go make a wish list and then come back and tell us what you put in!! 😃

If you don't have an account, then click here to see my Fall Wishlist and get those items on the way to your wellness stash! Remember of course that the August freebies are available to you at each buying tier! Check out the graphic on your way to order!
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