Products That Have Our Loyalty: Thieves Household Cleaner
I don't believe I had any idea that the Thieves line even existed when I opened my Young Living account, but as soon as I began my Essential Rewards (Now called Loyalty Rewards) monthly orders, I found out about Thieves Household Cleaner and had to give it a try - it has never disappointed me in the 10 years I've used this product!! What better place to begin our series than the Thieves Household Cleaner!

I could drone on and on about this product, but I'm going to highlight just 3 favorites for this product: 

1. It's safe! 
I have 9 children currently aged from 1-19 so we have pretty much always have one that is crawling or toddling. Many people don't know that the toxins in our home are actually more concentrated down low where our little ones or pets are getting a higher exposure.

It is SUCH a relief to use a product to clean that I know is safe for those whom I love!! In fact, that also means that it's safe as my kids become old enough to help me clean or even my little ones help wiping windows! 

2. It's economical! 
Thieves Household Cleaner is INCREDIBLY concentrated so that 14 oz bottle goes a LONG way, even though it's the only cleaner in our home! The math breaks down to pennies per spray bottle when properly diluted! That's super important on our large family budget! 

3. It's easy! 
As a busy mama, I don't have to worry about which cleaner goes to this task, which product I can't mix with which product, it's all purpose! We use it on our windows, door handles, toilet, mopping the floors, wiping the counters, washing the base boards, cleaning the high chair... ALLLLLLL the THINGS!!!!

I really could stretch this out and even talk about the off label uses where this product has been used, but I value your time and I appreciate you taking this journey with me! 

Have you tried Thieves Household Cleaner?? If you haven't, I can't recommend it more highly!! We're at 10 years and counting of loving this delicious smelling and safe cleaner in our home. 

Katrina Stidd
Your Platinum Leader

P.S. Remember that every Young Living product becomes even more economical to your budget when you are ordering through Loyalty Rewards!! Just a 50pv order every month earns you 10-25% back in earned points!! SO much better than your grocery store or gas station point system!! AND, when you order at higher PV tiers, you get free products poured out on you!! Go add Thieves Household Cleaner to your Loyalty Rewards order today!

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