
We've been using oils for over 10 years and the number of occasions they have been JUST what we needed are more numerous than I could even try to recall! I came across this cute memory post from my now 18 year old, he was 9 at the time, and just had to share ❤ 

We're currently using oils and plenty of Ningxia to manage pink eye and some sort of something that has a few kids down. I am always so thankful for the arsenal we've accumulated over the years, but also for the things we replenish monthly - like Ningxia! Today is the last day for the NingXia Red 15% off sale!! 
Don't be caught without it this fall/winter!!
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September gifts!!

September gifts!!
I love fall!!

The temps don't feel like it, but sweater weather is coming and Young Living is pulling out some amazing gifts with purchase this month!!!

Today let's talk about those bonus loyalty reward points!! 

This isn't like gas station rewards where they give you 10 points on a hundred dollar purchase and you can cash in 200 points on a cookie, this is equivalent to ten DOLLARS!! Except that if you're already on loyalty rewards, you're already getting money back... between 10 and 24 bucks on that order in what is basically in store credit!!

That means if you have been on loyalty rewards for 2 years you are getting 34 bucks to spend on our website back on your 100 pv order!!! 😲😲😲


Amazon doesn't do that!!
Walmart doesn't do that!!
Target doesn't do that!!

But YL does!! 

If you are not on loyalty rewards, jump on NOW so you get that 10 bucks plus bonus 10 bucks back this month and start getting rewarded for buying your favorite products!!! 😎

If you tell me you did, I'll give you another 10 bucks as an account credit!! 

Stay tuned to learn about the other gifts they're sending out this month!! 😎

If you aren't using YL yet, start here!!
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Wishlist Wednesday!!

Wishlist Wednesday!!
Did you know the Virtual Office now has a WISH LIST function?!!?!? This is amazing!!! 

After you log in, click on My Account, and then click on Wishlists. Click on New WishList+ and give it a name! 
I made one based on my post on Monday for my fall favorites - Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Chest Rub, and then a NingXia bundle, then you can press Share and it'll generate a link you can share with your friends! When they go to open the link it'll give the option to add the individual items to a cart or to add ALL items to the cart! 

If you don't want to share this goodness with your friends, then you can create a wish list of items you don't want to forget about, but need to give it a month or two to budget in, or maybe it's a high PV item and you are putting it on your wish list as a goal! Make it your own!!

Go make a wish list and then come back and tell us what you put in!! 😃

If you don't have an account, then click here to see my Fall Wishlist and get those items on the way to your wellness stash! Remember of course that the August freebies are available to you at each buying tier! Check out the graphic on your way to order!
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Don't be caught without these 3 items this fall!

Don't be caught without these 3 items this fall!
"Hey Katrina! 
What are 3 products I should buy now to have on hand this fall?"

Great question!
This time of year these are 3 items I buy every month!!

Get that precious antioxidant support in your body and on your shelf NOW! Don't be caught sick and without this amazing Young Living exclusive! 
Pro tip! If you live where the wind hurts your face in the dead of winter, you'll need to upgrade shipping to order bottles of Ningxia in those cold months! Fill your cabinets with those glass bottles NOW to save on shipping and order through Loyalty Rewards to save even more$$$!!

-Thieves cough drops! 
I heard a YL Diamond say her number one health tip during sick season was to keep a Thieves Lozenge or cough drop in her mouth at all times! If I feel the start a tickle in my throat, I definitely adopt this!

- Thieves Chest Rub!
This is another one of those things that you can't wait until you're sick to buy! It's suuuuch a relief and easy applicator for your chest, feet, or those little ones!!!

If you need these items in your house, just click here!
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