A New Beginning
I was reflecting with a dear Young Living friend last night about how it's been such a busy 5 years. 

We've added twins and then another baby, my husband took a full time ministry position and also became the assistant national director of another ministry, a couple years later he suffered a traumatic brain injury and has post concussion syndrome for the last 16 months, we went from 1 teenager to now 4, and then covid... need I say more?? It's life, right? Life is busy and throws curve balls! 

I have had quite a lot of learning to adapt and adjust in the last 5 years and I admit that I have neglected our Young Living family! 

In my conversation last night with my friend, we shared how much has changed in the 10 years since we both began this journey. Our oldest children are 19 and 17 which means they were just 9 and 7 when we "became oily!" They barely have known anything else! 

I've done some soul searching the last few months and pondered what products have really changed our life and we just simply can't do without... and I realized just how extensive that list really is! In this season of being so distracted, there are YL products that we have identified absolutely have our loyalty! Lucky for us - Young Living has just the thing... Loyalty Rewards!! 

You see, the products that we just can't live without, we order through our Loyalty Rewards program, and since we've been on it for more than 2 years, we earn 25% back on our purchases! Isn't that insane??? 

My kids make fun of me for being all about points. I earn points at the grocery store, at the gas station, at the pizza place... and I don't like to purchase places that don't reward me for spending my dollars there when there are places that will! But 25%?!?! It's unheard of! Our grocery store will give me 10 cents off per gallon after I spend $100... even in my big ol' Ford Transit, that's only $2.30 off the transaction! It adds up, but that's nothing like $25.00 for every $100 spent. 
I'm going to be starting a series called "Products That Have Our Loyalty" and I hope you find it helpful! I want to be a resource to you and even when I'm a bit more quiet as my plate is a bit more full than it used to be, I'm here, and I want to help serve you in this journey you're on. Be sure to enter here to be notified when I make a new post so you can follow along! https://derinandkatrina.com/landing/sign-up-for-notifications


Katrina Stidd
Your Platinum Leader
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