You Mean, the Drama Can be Calmed?

Maybe you've seen the movie Moana, maybe you haven't, but this graphic completely sums up everything you need to know: 

Progessence Plus helps the crazy! This amazing serum was a result of a work by Dr. Dan Purser and our founder, Gary Young! If you never read Dr. Purser's book, "Progesterone," you should look it up! 

The unfortunate reality is that MOST American women are ridiculously deficient in Progesterone and this serum helps to support us in this journey of womanhood at all ages! 

I really didn't realize that I needed it, but was gifted a bottle and decided to try it, and my husband saw a night and day difference nearly immediately. 

If this is a Young Living product you've used in the past, but have forgotten about it, this is your nudge to start using it again - today! This is one of those staple products that is always in our home and I keep AT LEAST one back up!

If you haven't used it before, this is an amazing one to put on your next order!! Don't forget about utilizing Loyalty Rewards so you can get point rewards for your purchase! 

Progessence Plus - get you some!!

Katrina Stidd
Your Young Living Platinum Leader 
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We Forget, Don't We?

Our family endured a house fire last June. 

Beyond the hundreds of obvious disruptions one would anticipate from running their family out of their home in an instant of panic, there's truly no way to grasp the countless ways your brain forgets things from your life that were even daily habits when your life changes abruptly. 

All these months later, we are still surprised when someone mentions a favorite supper dish that hadn't been thought of in months, or the theme song of a favorite TV show that triggers a memory of watching it nightly before bed in our life before the fire.

As everyone does, I spent the first week of this new year reflecting on the previous year and remembering habits we had forgotten, or perhaps, lacked the bandwidth to reinstate. 

Low and behold, most of my kids have been rotating sicknesses since Christmas, and while we've used oils and our favorite supplements here and there, my brain "woke up" this week to old tricks, methods, tools, we used to immediately reach for... ones I had completely forgotten. 

All these oils, supplements, and Ningxia packets, are just collecting dust on the shelf if we aren't using them!

I completely forgot I had just purchased the Femigen supplement before the fire to support my body in these glorious 40s.

I completely forgot that I used to set timers to apply oils every hour when germs lurked on the horizon. 

I completely forgot I had been doing the Ningxia Red monthly resets last year, which stopped cold because of the fire. 

You're here because you have purchased Young Living Essential Oils at some point in the past and I want to invite you to re-engage with me this year by utilizing what you already have! 

A great way to do that is to sign up at the bottom of this email for notifications when I make a blog post! I'll be highlighting old favorites along with my tried and true tips and tricks!

  • Grab an oil, put it on the bathroom counter, and use it every morning or night! 
  • Inventory your supplements and pick one to begin using daily again! 
  • Find that half-full bottle of Thieves Fruit and Veggie Wash and put it to use when you return from your next grocery trip! 

I am here to be a resource to you in your wellness journey, and I want you to remember why you started this Young Living journey in the first place! 
Watch for my upcoming blog posts about utilizing what you already have in your home!

Be sure to enter here to be notified when I make a new post so you can follow along! 

Click here so you don't miss a thing:

Even though January 1st has passed, any day can be a new day one. Don't let it be One Day, make today your Day One and begin your wellness journey anew! 

I'm on this journey with you. 

It's Day One. 

Katrina Stidd
Your Platinum Young Living Leader

P.S. Grab a Young Living item in your house right now to put on or use! 

Subscribe right now to my blog posts so you don't miss a thing!! It's Day One 👊

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