Time for a Reset
For me, the 14 day reset isn't about following every metric exactly, it's about having that excuse/ reason for change. 

A dear friend I met through YL talks heavily about the concept of good/ better/ best. And those things are different for every person. 

The reset is that for me. In January I got my NingXia in, worked heavily on my water intake, made a few diet changes, and exercised a couple times. Not great, but I lost 2 lbs and felt better. 

This time, I was very strict about my meal plan, hit my water goal almost daily, got my NingXia in, and didn't do well exercising the first week, but last week I turned a new leaf and started a strength training program. 

Today marks the end of the February reset and in the last 14 days I lost 4 lbs (first 2 I had to re lose that I had gained back), and lost 2 inches from my waist! 

I plan to maintain the gym 4x a week, water, and might loosen my meal plan a bit, but by in large plan to keep that pretty close. I'm hoping to keep my gains and build on it next month! 

What I love about this concept is that you are just taking 2 weeks to focus on your health. You can do it for 2 weeks! And if you hate it or need to change things, you're doing what is best for you and can make the changes you need! 

Everything is more fun with friends! Who wants to join me on March 11???!!! You can't beat the price of the 14 day reset kit and it might be just what your body needs!!

Check it out!!

Let me know if you want to jump in with me!!
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