Christmas in July!

Christmas in July!
Our team is celebrating Christmas in July!!

I want all of you to get some of the amazing new products released at convention, so I'm going to give a surprise gift from my stash to EACH PERSON who orders at least 50pv of new convention products!!

Here's what you have to do to receive your gift! 
1. Place an order of at least 50pv of newly released convention products!
2. Complete this form so I know you did!

Isn't that simple?? The new products have me all 😍 and there aren't even WORDS to describe the excitement of them bringing back the original Valor!!! 

Go to, press shop, and select Convention Arrivals! 

Remember to order at least 50pv from anything in that list, and don't forget to come back here to complete the form!! 

Merry Christmas in July!

Derin and Katrina Stidd
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Products That Have Our Loyalty: Digize

Products That Have Our Loyalty: Digize
There's so much I could say about keeping tummies happy and all things digestion with this oil, but today's highlight is actually a bit different! 

I am the world's worst AirBnb chooser! We stayed in 2 last week while traveling..
 The first reeked of pot and the second one was almost as bad of cigarette smoke, masked with a plugged in air freshener in every plug AND 10 car air fresheners stuck in every vent. 😳 

Let me tell you my trick... If you ever need to get the scent of pot or cigarette smoke out of your clothes, after 3 rounds in the washer, this was the magic combination! 

I used two caps of THHC with 5 drops of Digize mixed in. Clean smelling clothes for the win!

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Products That Have Our Loyalty: Peppermint Essential Oil

Products That Have Our Loyalty: Peppermint Essential Oil
I wasn't the person who dove in head first to begin my oily journey. It was much more like dipping my toe in the water and waiting to see what happened. 

My story began 12 years ago with a retail order and then six months later I purchased a basic starter kit, which at the time contained Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils. 

We enjoyed trying out various uses, but then one day, Peppermint saved the day!

On this Mother's Day weekend, I will say that most moms I know agree on one thing: vomit is the worst. 

Our kids had a cold that included that incessant coughing fit that most assuredly led into a yucky mess. 

In a moment of panic, I grabbed my new little bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil and swiped it on my kid's tongue mid coughing fit. 

They were not so happy with mama, but it stopped that coughing fit in its tracks!! 
We didn't end up with a return of his lunch!! Yahoo!!! Let's be honest - any day without vomit is a good day!

The uses for Peppermint Essentially Oil are limitless and so far beyond expectations for that little bitty bottle of minty goodness, but it'll always hold a special place in my heart for saving the day back in 2011 🥰

Katrina Stidd
Your Young Living Platinum Leader

P.S. Remember that every Young Living product becomes even more economical to your budget when you are ordering through Loyalty Rewards!! Just a 50pv order every month earns you 10-25% back in earned points!! SO much better than your grocery store or gas station point system!! AND, when you order at higher PV tiers, you get free products poured out on you!! Go add Peppermint Essential Oil to your Loyalty Rewards order today!
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Products That Have Our Loyalty: Thieves Household Cleaner

Products That Have Our Loyalty: Thieves Household Cleaner
I don't believe I had any idea that the Thieves line even existed when I opened my Young Living account, but as soon as I began my Essential Rewards (Now called Loyalty Rewards) monthly orders, I found out about Thieves Household Cleaner and had to give it a try - it has never disappointed me in the 10 years I've used this product!! What better place to begin our series than the Thieves Household Cleaner!

I could drone on and on about this product, but I'm going to highlight just 3 favorites for this product: 

1. It's safe! 
I have 9 children currently aged from 1-19 so we have pretty much always have one that is crawling or toddling. Many people don't know that the toxins in our home are actually more concentrated down low where our little ones or pets are getting a higher exposure.

It is SUCH a relief to use a product to clean that I know is safe for those whom I love!! In fact, that also means that it's safe as my kids become old enough to help me clean or even my little ones help wiping windows! 

2. It's economical! 
Thieves Household Cleaner is INCREDIBLY concentrated so that 14 oz bottle goes a LONG way, even though it's the only cleaner in our home! The math breaks down to pennies per spray bottle when properly diluted! That's super important on our large family budget! 

3. It's easy! 
As a busy mama, I don't have to worry about which cleaner goes to this task, which product I can't mix with which product, it's all purpose! We use it on our windows, door handles, toilet, mopping the floors, wiping the counters, washing the base boards, cleaning the high chair... ALLLLLLL the THINGS!!!!

I really could stretch this out and even talk about the off label uses where this product has been used, but I value your time and I appreciate you taking this journey with me! 

Have you tried Thieves Household Cleaner?? If you haven't, I can't recommend it more highly!! We're at 10 years and counting of loving this delicious smelling and safe cleaner in our home. 

Katrina Stidd
Your Platinum Leader

P.S. Remember that every Young Living product becomes even more economical to your budget when you are ordering through Loyalty Rewards!! Just a 50pv order every month earns you 10-25% back in earned points!! SO much better than your grocery store or gas station point system!! AND, when you order at higher PV tiers, you get free products poured out on you!! Go add Thieves Household Cleaner to your Loyalty Rewards order today!

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A New Beginning

A New Beginning
I was reflecting with a dear Young Living friend last night about how it's been such a busy 5 years. 

We've added twins and then another baby, my husband took a full time ministry position and also became the assistant national director of another ministry, a couple years later he suffered a traumatic brain injury and has post concussion syndrome for the last 16 months, we went from 1 teenager to now 4, and then covid... need I say more?? It's life, right? Life is busy and throws curve balls! 

I have had quite a lot of learning to adapt and adjust in the last 5 years and I admit that I have neglected our Young Living family! 

In my conversation last night with my friend, we shared how much has changed in the 10 years since we both began this journey. Our oldest children are 19 and 17 which means they were just 9 and 7 when we "became oily!" They barely have known anything else! 

I've done some soul searching the last few months and pondered what products have really changed our life and we just simply can't do without... and I realized just how extensive that list really is! In this season of being so distracted, there are YL products that we have identified absolutely have our loyalty! Lucky for us - Young Living has just the thing... Loyalty Rewards!! 

You see, the products that we just can't live without, we order through our Loyalty Rewards program, and since we've been on it for more than 2 years, we earn 25% back on our purchases! Isn't that insane??? 

My kids make fun of me for being all about points. I earn points at the grocery store, at the gas station, at the pizza place... and I don't like to purchase places that don't reward me for spending my dollars there when there are places that will! But 25%?!?! It's unheard of! Our grocery store will give me 10 cents off per gallon after I spend $100... even in my big ol' Ford Transit, that's only $2.30 off the transaction! It adds up, but that's nothing like $25.00 for every $100 spent. 
I'm going to be starting a series called "Products That Have Our Loyalty" and I hope you find it helpful! I want to be a resource to you and even when I'm a bit more quiet as my plate is a bit more full than it used to be, I'm here, and I want to help serve you in this journey you're on. Be sure to enter here to be notified when I make a new post so you can follow along!


Katrina Stidd
Your Platinum Leader
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